Dragons are very rare creatures, they only live in books!

Tuesday 6 April 2010

First Blog

So this is my first blog EVER, and I really have no idea what I am doing or what to write. No one is probably ever going to read this either as I don't think anyone I know has a blogspot. Ho hum. I probably won't be very good with this whole blogging thing either as I tried writing a diary once and just couldn't be bothered to do it very often and then it just really never happened so I probably won't do posts very often. But then again here I am writing absolute crap about nothing.
Anyways considering making some videos for my youtube account, as I only have 1, so yeah. Going shopping on Friday as my nana is coming down to visit us from where she lives, so I'll be shopping with her and my mum and her sister. FUN TIMES?! Anyways atleast I get a break from this constant Easter holiday revision session. HJRGNRG. Planning on meeting up with some friends for a starbucks soon although I don't really like coffee....slightly pointless? Oh well it'll still be fun I can have a cake or something instead.

See you seem my chums :)
(If I don't forget to blog)